Women in Fintech: Industry Support with Zafin, XBTO and more

This October at The Fintech Times is all about shining a spotlight on the incredible women working in the fintech industry, sharing their greatest achievements, their biggest challenges and how they can make a difference fostering women’s careers.

Though progress has been made to reduce the gender gap in fintech, the industry still has far to go until it hits true representation and champions full equality.

To help highlight the influential and significant contributions of women to the industry, we asked influential fintech leaders (who just so happen to be women) to signpost the support available to aspiring women in fintech

Network and connections
Felicia Tang, Marketing Director, Airtime RewardsFelicia Tang, Marketing Director, Airtime Rewards
Felicia Tang, Marketing Director, Airtime Rewards

Felicia Tang, marketing director, rewards and brand loyalty app Airtime Rewards, said:

“Women in fintech can access various forms of support to help advance their careers. In my view, building a network and connections is the most important; attending women-centric events and connecting with like-minded professionals who can offer valuable insights and mentorship opportunities. Participation in fintech events, conferences and workshops not only can help expand knowledge but can also boost confidence. Particularly in startups, being self-assertive and confident in yourself is crucial for women to be heard in what can sometimes be a very male-dominated industry, especially as a woman of ethnic minority.

While heavy workloads and time constraints can be challenging, seeking out mentorship programmes and online communities can provide additional avenues for growth and support to help women excel in fintech.”

Fostering Growth

Robin Gregg, CEO of truck and freight logistics and payments company, RoadSync, said: 

Robin GreggRobin Gregg
Robin Gregg, CEO, Roadsync

“Beyond specific organisations, I recommend that women actively seek out companies, mentors, and bosses who genuinely support their goals. Early in my career, I realised that I thrived in dynamic, high-performance work environments. For me, personal growth and success in my roles were heavily influenced by the people I worked directly with, rather than the organisations themselves. It’s crucial to surround yourself with individuals who wholeheartedly back your ambitions.

“Furthermore, it’s hard to aspire to something you’ve never seen. Having female mentors played a vital role in my career development, providing me with valuable wisdom and guidance. Access to female leaders was essential for my professional growth, and I hope to see more established women in their careers taking organised steps to help those who are just starting out.

“Additionally, I believe peer networks and communities are incredibly valuable. I have personally benefited from the support of local entrepreneur groups, such as EO and women’s communities like the Lola in Atlanta, and I think these networks can play a significant role in fostering growth and providing support.”

Out of your comfort zone
Dubie Cunnigham, North American banking group president at ZafinDubie Cunnigham, North American banking group president at Zafin
Dubie Cunnigham, North American banking group president at Zafin

Dubie Cunningham, MBA, president, banking group at Zafin, a banking software enterprise platform, said:

“Expanding on the importance of diverse skill sets, women should seek out programmes aligned with their interests that push them slightly out of their comfort zones. These programmes don’t need to demand a significant time commitment, and there are even free courses available on platforms like LinkedIn. Explore areas such as generative AI, inclusive finance and user experience design. My advice is to follow your heart and mind, trust your instincts and have confidence in your natural talents. Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

“If you happen to have an entrepreneurial spirit, go for it! There’s no perfect time to start, and the journey will be both terrifying and exhilarating. Research government grants and corporate programmes, and make the most of these opportunities. Embrace the entire experience with enthusiasm and determination.”

Professional networks
Aja Heise, senior compliance officer at XBTOAja Heise, senior compliance officer at XBTO
Aja Heise, senior compliance officer at XBTO

Aja Heise, senior compliance officer at digital assets platform XBTO, said:

Women in fintech can benefit from various support structures and initiatives, including programs like WMNfintech, Y Combinator and Techstars, who provide women entrepreneurs with mentorship, funding, support, and resources to help launch and grow their fintech startups. There are also multiple professional organisations and networks like Women in Fintech, National Women in Banking Association, and Financial Alliance for Women who offer networking opportunities, conferences, and resources for women within the industry. I have also noticed that the majority of the conferences and events held, like Consensus, have recently added dedicated lounges, meetup events and specific programming for women to their agendas.

Better together
Martha Salinas, Chief Commercial Officer at TreviPay,

Martha Salinas, chief commercial officer at TreviPay, a B2B payments company, said:  “Fortunately, there are many great accelerators, programmes and initiatives that are focusing on strengthening the role of women. But I want to make it clear: This is not an issue for women to solve alone. It is a challenge that both men and women should work together to find a path for a more equitable solution for everyone. If one thing is certain, we are better together.

Broader and more diverse
Lindsay Soergel, Chief Product and Customer Experience Officer at AI powered digital banker, KasistoLindsay Soergel, Chief Product and Customer Experience Officer at AI powered digital banker, Kasisto
Lindsay Soergel, Chief Product and Customer Experience Officer at Kasisto

Lindsay Soergel, chief product and customer experience officer at conversational AI platform Kasisto, said:

I live in Atlanta, Georgia which has developed into a major fintech hub during the past two decades. The Technology Association of Georgia and the Women in Technology organisations serve as tremendous networking and support resources for women at every stage of their career. Getting in early and getting out of your comfort zone are essential to successfully applying and nurturing these resources. Throughout your career, whether changing jobs, going for a stretch promotion, or contemplating a complete career shift, you will need to apply the help of your network. The broader and more diverse it is, the better.”

  • Polly Jean Harrison

    Polly is a journalist, content creator and general opinion holder from North Wales. She has written for a number of publications, usually hovering around the topics of fintech, tech, lifestyle and body positivity.

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