The Importance of SEO in Fintech

The fintech industry is worth a staggering £141billion, and more than 64 per cent of all consumers have used a fintech platform at some stage. With more than 26,000 fintech companies operating, it’s safe to say the space is competitive. Standing out is no easy task, but with the right SEO strategy, fintech companies can be thought leaders ready to build trust with consumers.

SEO, however, is always evolving, and incorporating it into our marketing strategy can prove tricky if you don’t know where to start. With that in mind, let’s look at the importance of SEO in fintech and how you can implement it to help your business shine.

The evolution of SEO

Gone are the days when stuffing a web page with keywords guaranteed top rankings. Today, the SEO landscape is more nuanced and driven by search engine sophistication. Google dominates the search engine market and has placed a magnifying glass on content quality, how it’s structured, and general readability. Keywords alone don’t hold the same weight, says Yaser from Yaser UK. Instead, the goal is to deliver value to audiences, helping them find the right websites based on their queries. Good SEO is ultimately high-quality content.

The significance of SEO in today’s digital age

In the competitive space that is fintech, traditional lead generation methods like events or word of mouth are being increasingly overshadowed by digital channels. With the rising costs of paid advertising, the allure of organic leads has never been stronger.

According to HubSpot’s 2022 report, SEO is a frontrunner in customer acquisition channels. So, if you’re not prioritising SEO, you’re likely leaving money on the table as competitors gain a foothold in the market and increase visibility for those all-important search terms.

Incorporating SEO into your  fintech strategy

SEO should form a fundamental part of your strategy, but landing on the right process can be tricky if you don’t specialise in the subject. Here are some considerations for your fintech SEO strategy.

Targeted, data-driven content

It’s not enough to churn out content – it needs to resonate with the target audience. Research your audience and get to know them like the back of your hand. Doing so will help you create content that strikes a chord. Aligning with the needs and search intents of your audience increases your chances of hitting the mark. Remember, it’s quality over quantity. Every piece of content should serve a purpose, be it answering a query or solving a problem.

E-E-A-T considerations

In the world of finance, trust is paramount. Google‘s E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness) guidelines reflect this, especially for content that impacts financial decisions. So, when crafting content, ask yourself: does this showcase our expertise? Is it authoritative? Most importantly, is it trustworthy? These factors are non-negotiable.

Video content

With the surge in video consumption, it’s clear that people love visuals. Around 87 per cent of audiences want to see even more video content from brands because they help simplify complicated topics. This can be especially beneficial in fintech, where a video might simplify complex concepts and make them digestible. Whether it’s a short explainer video or an in-depth webinar, incorporating video can also bolster your SEO efforts and position you as a thought leader.

Pillar pages and topic clusters

Think of pillar pages as the foundation of your content strategy. These comprehensive pieces cover a topic at length, linking out to related, more condensed content. Their act is two-fold: they establish authority while also improving site navigation for a better overall user experience.

Core web vitals and mobile responsiveness

With mobile searches accounting for more than half of all web searches, a mobile-friendly site is a must for any fintech with grand designs of building an audience and increasing business. Google’s core web vitals focus on user experience metrics, which further underscores the need for a fluid mobile-friendly website. If your site isn’t up to par, it’s time for a revamp, as it could affect your SEO and usability.

Backlinking and outreach

Links are the lifeblood of SEO. But not all links are created equal, so prioritise quality over quantity. A handful of links from reputable sites can do wonders for your SEO, far more than dozens from lesser-known sources.

Leveraging SEO tools

The world of SEO is vast, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Tools like Semrush and Ahrefs can provide invaluable insights, from keyword research to competitor analysis. By leveraging these tools, you can refine your strategy and stay ahead of the curve.

The role of AI and machine learning

Artificial intelligence has captured the world’s imagination with language learning models (LLMs). While we’re still in the early stages, AI can help foster a more personalised user experience. With an ability to analyse vast amounts of data and predict user behaviour in seconds, it can understand patterns and preferences and help fintech companies make more strategic SEO-based decisions.

Fintech and SEO in perfect harmony

In the ever-changing world of fintech, adaptability is key. As SEO continues to evolve, staying on top of the latest trends is central to a successful business. Prioritising SEO and weaving it into your digital strategy will help boost your visibility and set the stage for sustained growth.

Author: admin

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